Pond Design Services
We Can Help You Design Your Pond
Pond Engineering Policy
The following is intended to provide District landowners with guidelines as to the procedures and agreements in effect when the Allen Soil & Water Conservation District, with technical assistance from the Natural Resources Conservation Service, provides engineering assistance for the construction of ponds.
Pond Design Deposit
To assure the installation of planned practices, the Allen Soil and Water Conservation District requires a deposit for engineering plans according to the following policy:
- $1,500.00 (engineering, plans, survey, design, etc.)
After the preliminary investigation (soil exploration) for soil suitability is completed and the result indicates that the area is conducive for that purpose, the Allen Soil and Water Conservation District requires a fee in the amount of one thousand five hundred ($1,500.00) before moving forward to complete the engineering plans.
Part of our investigation includes but not limited to the conduct of reviewing whether or not the proposed area for pond does not negatively affect existing natural features (e.g., floodplain, wetland, & etc.). In addition, design consideration/planning shall conform existing township regulations.
These fees will be collected from the landowner after the preliminary investigation is completed and prior to the start of any survey and design work.
Be it known that a considerable amount of time is spent by SWCD and NRCS staff doing survey and design work. In some cases, many man-hours have been lost because the pond was never constructed or was installed without regard to design specifications. Our staff time is limited, and the construction season is short. It is most important to focus our staff time in those areas, which offer the best return in quality conservation work.
At the time of the preliminary design, the fee (i.e., full amount) may be reimbursed to the applicant if any one of the following applies:
- There’s not enough area to fit in the pond due to setback requirements.
- The landowner decides not to move forward due to any reason that best serves them.
This policy was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on January 1, 2025.
You may download the ASWCD Pond Policy here.
For more information Contact:
Josh Zwez : 419-222-0846 ex1003
Albert Suniga :419-222-0846 ex1005