Manure Management

Manure/Fertilizer Application Rules

Each owner, operator, animal manure applicator, or person responsible for land application of manure from an animal feeding operation shall minimize pollution from occurring on land application areas. In order to minimize the potential for pollution the following items shall be considered, including but not limited to: characteristics of the animal manure, available land, topography, cropping system, method of application, weather, time of the year, condition of the soil, other nutrients applied, and nutrient status of the soil.

DON’T apply fertilizer if the weather forecast predicts a greater than 50% chance of precipitation of 1 inch or more in 12 hours.

DON’T apply manure if the weather forecast predicts a greater than 50% chance of precipitation of ½ inch or more in 24 hours.

Manure is a valuable resource that needs to be managed effectively and efficiently. Land application
of manure should not be considered simply a disposal system. Manure provides nutrients for crops and helps build and maintain soil fertility.

Manure can also improve soil tilth, increase water holding capacity, lessen wind and water erosion, improve aeration, and promote beneficial organisms.
There are three principal objectives in applying animal manure to land:
• Ensure maximum utilization of the nutrients in the manure by crops.
• Minimize environmental hazards.
• Minimize neighborhood complaints and concerns.

Setback distances. To protect the environment and minimize neighbor complaint, manure should not be applied adjacent to sensitive areas. Consider additional application setback distances from neighbors and environmentally sensitive areas such as sinkholes, wells, gullies, ditches, surface inlets, or rapidly permeable soil areas. Setback distances may need to be increased due to local conditions such as a pond or lake used for a water supply or recreational area or a stream that is already impaired by excess nutrients.

We recommend that before any application of fertilizer or manure to print off a weather forecast for your own defense. The Allen Soil and Water office uses the ONMRK App on our phones for the on the go weather forecast, and in the office we use the website for our records.
Don’t forget our office can help guide you to a nutrient management plan and manure storage suggestions.

ASWCD Toolbar Equipment Sale

Allen SWCD is currently selling our Bazooka Farmstar liquid manure toolbar and associated equipment. The additional equipment includes a Hose Hustler II, Bazooka Farmstar PTO booster pump, and 26’ wide Bazooka Farmstar dragline toolbar. Please see this attachment for pictures and pricing details. There is some room for negotiation on pricing. The equipment was purchased with grant funding. Therefore, all sales prices must be reviewed and accepted by the Ohio Lake Erie Commission. Please contact Jarrod Wehinger – Allen SWCD Nutrient Management Specialist with any inquiries or questions regarding the equipment via phone 419-222-0846 or email

Manure Application Rules and Standards

Please review the above links for manure application rules and standards. You can find additional information regarding manure application within the NRCS and ODA websites listed below. These sources will additionally provide information for (stockpiling, nutrient management planning, pasture & grazing etc.) Contact Allen SWCD if you have suspicion of a violation and would like to submit a Manure Complaint 419-222-0846.

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