Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference

Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference

CTTC was March 11-12, 2025 at Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio. This outstanding conference allowed us to connect with other great farmers and CCAs, experience new ideas, and increase your net income.
Registration is now open to access the online recordings for just $100 by completing the form below.

Our theme was “Getting More from Less.” Cutting costs is key following a year where corn and soybean yields were reduced for many farmers. And crop prices are barely breakeven. We don’t know what the weather will be in 2025, but commodity prices are projected to stay low.

Jeff Duling, Putnam County, will discuss how he works with Mother Nature to increase yields with no-till and cover crops. Part of his farmland is Paulding clay, considered the worst soil in NW Ohio. He has increased corn yields on it by 50 to 75 Bu/ac.

Connor Sible, Asst. Professor, U. of Illinois, will share his research on various methods of “Managing Residue (from high-yielding corn): Mechanical, Chemical, and Biological.”  He is sponsored by Calmer Corn Heads.

Rob Myers, U. of Missouri, will speak on Regenerative Agriculture.

Other main speakers, including the keynote presenter, will be announced soon. With about 60 speakers total, CTTC gives plenty of opportunities to gain valuable information. Typically, we have 25 OSU Extension Educators and campus Faculty on the program.

The opening General Session will start at 8:30, March 11. Master Farmer Awards and the Ohio CCA of the Year will be announced.

Four concurrent sessions will begin at 10:00 a.m. The Tuesday sessions include: Soil Health, Cover Crops and No-till; Nutrient Management; Agronomic Crop Management; and Precision Ag & Technology.

The four sessions on Wednesday will begin at 8:30, and end about 4:30. Sessions include: Soil Health, Cover Crops and No-till; Crop Management; Water Quality; and Regenerative Agriculture.

Take advantage of the opportunity to discuss one-on-one with speakers, exhibitors, sponsors, and other participants. Bring a friend and/or family members.

If you are planning to stay overnight, take advantage of available but limited rooms at discounted rates at “The Inn “at the Ohio Northern University. To avail of this promo, visit this LINK. (When reserving, mention CTTC)

Hope to see you all there!

Contact Albert Suniga for more information:
419-222-0846 x1005 or Email

Visit the CTTC website here.

Register for the 2025 Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference

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